One month since my last post. Geez. I've been on the computer a ton but not here. Lazy about blogging, I suppose. So many other things to do and look at. (So much Ravelry, so little time...)

Melissa had her baby, Kyle, on the 3rd. He looks just like his daddy. We went and visited them at the hospital the next day. I was planning on giving them the sweater I'd made for him. Unfortunately, the sweater does not want to be finished! The first sleeve is just not coming together right for me. The worst part- it's the same sweater I made for my soon-to-be-born son! That one worked up like a dream, nearly perfect. I was so proud of my
first sweater, feeling that since I did it once, I could
certainly do it again. Ha! Kyle's sweater has slapped me in the face on that one. But, eh, he's worth it, I'll keep trying. Of course, I told Melissa that if it doesn't start to work for me soon, I'm going to set it on fire and send her the cripsy bits.
Baby update: We are 33 weeks! That means somewhere between 4 and 7 more to go! (I say "between 4 & 7" because of the whole size thing with this giant baby.) At my last appointment (2.5 wks ago), I was still measuring 33cm, but I had to see a different doctor as mine was out of town and this one measured in a different way. I can't believe that in three weeks, we didn't grow any. Especially since I can eat less and less every day and my heartburn gets worse and worse every day! Other than that, not much has changed. I'm scheduled for my next visit on the 22nd. My doctor will be back, thank goodness! I seriously didn't like the other doctor. We'll see how this next one goes.

I'm cruising along with Lula's Angel. It's been a fun knit. The pattern is called "Easiest Ever Knitted Angel doll" and the name is really fitting. I can't imagine an easier dolly to make. What's best about it is that it's a variation of a teddy bear pattern and the designer, Noreen Crone-Findlay, has actually made several versions for different animals and dolls. I'm planning on making Lainey an angel as well and a teddy bear for e
ach of the boys. I can't decide yet if I'm going to make Cakers's in the same colors as Lula's. It's really turning out to be a lovely combination, but I don't want them fighting over them (...any more than they already would...). It will probably turn out to be a different color combo for each of them. I also really like that the pattern calls for whatever yarn and needles you want. The size of the finished item varies with your choices. With Lula's, I'm using three strands of worsted weight and size 11 needles. I plan on making Bam's a bit bigger by going with four strands of worsted or maybe two to three strands of bulky and size 13s. Cakers's will have to be a bit smaller, of course, and Baby's smallest of all.
We've finally got new neighbors downstairs. It's just one younger lady and her baby. Well, I guess her other two kids are with her every other weekend, too. I hope she's not a jerk. I'm thinking she's somewhere close to my age. Maybe she's a knitter... (How cool would that be?!?!?!)