This one was Grape and Pink Lemonade. I will be doing more soon.:-) I went and bought more of the ivory sock yarn. Plans include a Berry Blue and Lemon-Lime combo, a Black Cherry run, and possibly an Orange skein.
I got a new camera the other day. It's a Sony Cyber-Shot. Comparatively cheap, but very nice for what I need a camera for. AND IT'S PINK! Soooooooooo cute. This is what it looks like:

Knitting has again been sporadic. I've been trying to make a Chain Chomp hat for Bam. I've actually got the hat itself done, I just need to get the teeth, chain and eyes on it. Laziness in action. I've also got a hat to make for Annie. I had that one about 25% done and had to frog it because I screwed up some stitches and couldn't figure out where. Duh. I dunno, that's all I can think of right now. I'm pretty sure that I've done more but have knitting emptiness of the brain at the moment.
My brain is filled with thoughts of the Magic Yarn Ball Swap! This is the coolest thing. I'm so glad I waited to join a swap until this one! First, it's in the Pants. That is the coolest part of it. But the concept of the Magic Yarn Ball is the next best part. You take whatever yarn you're giving your swapee and begin wrapping it around some sort of middle/core -thing-, some sort of goodie that you've chosen. Then you continue to add in little bits of awesomeness as you wrap the ball up. Linky to one example: I can't wait until April 1st! (That's our open date!)
Enough for now, off to make dinnah & think about swappy goodness and what flavor to dye my next skein of sock yarn!