J-Bug laughed for the first time this morning! It was sooooooooo adorable. I was holding him, letting him look up at the ceiling fan (one of his favorite activities). All of a sudden, he just started cracking up. Completely out of the blue. I wasn't even trying to get him to smile. Something about that fan was hilarious to him, though.
My sister brought me her nursing footstool when they came out for their visit. I love this thing! It's great here at the computer. The couch is too low, though. If I use it there, my knees are nearly up to my chin. Not the best position for feeding a baby.
He's getting so big so fast, too. Last Wednesday he was already up to 12lbs, 13oz! He really doesn't eat all the time but you can't tell from how quickly he's gaining!
I've gotten several projects done lately. My Ravelry notebook is probably the best place to check them out by I'll put at least a little bit about at least some of them here.
Lil Sweater for J-Bug: A sweet, fast knit baby cardigan.

J-Bug's Hat: This one I made to bring him home from the hospital in. (Modeled on Lula's lovely

baby doll.)
Ginger's Green Thick-Thin Scarf: I finally got this thing finished!

Bam's Dice Bag: He chose a stitch pattern from one of my books and I whipped it into a bag.

He ended up choosing, of all things, Feather and Fan. I was sort of hoping for a bit more of a challenge, but I told him to pick whatever one he wanted.
Cakers's Requested Hat: Cakers asked for a hat, here it is.

And so the end of my post... J-Bug's getting ticked.