Have been spending more time knitting lately. Finished several things. Not loads, but still working my way through. Certainly less than I'd like to!
Got a couple more rows done on the black blanket.
This thing may never be done!
And made a Mu-Sock for Sadie. Cute and fast. I'm sure she'll like it. (It's for holding an mP3 player, if you didn't get that right away.)
A hat just cuz I felt getting a hat out there.
This is the hat mentioned in my last post. (Incidentally, I joined the group the day I finished the hat.)
And here's a cute little heart.
I want to make a hat with hearts on it so I searched for a heart pattern and found this one. It's awesome, but not quite the right shape. I was hoping to find a longer heart but alas, no. I may mod this one a bit and get it to work.
A couple of Kittehs. The right one is MINE. I made her out of Noro Kureyon. Um, yeah, that is the most horrid yarn I've ever touched. Hate on me if you like, Kureyon Lovers, but YUCK YUCK YUCK! I do agree that the colors are AMAZING BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS FANTASTIC, but:
a.) Sticks in my yarn. I wasn't even outside, thanks.
b.) Thick-thin to the point of being unknittable, all in the same yard. No. Uncool.
c.) Hard hard hard on my hands. And I'm no baby.
d.) Breakage. Randomly. Without a tug or pull. Just knitting along and snap! WTF? The left Kitteh has been given to J-Bug. He love love loves her. It's adorable watching him play with his kitty. I "made it" meow at him and he just cracked up. Too funny.
And here is the Giant Fucking Q of Doom.
My first colorwork project. It was a Secret Santa type thing gift for Hux's work. The recipient loved it apparently. Which still makes me cheeeeeese. It's really not gold, the camera I have is just junk. The stripes and "Q" are plain old bright red and a nice green that's named "Grass Green" but not at all what I'd call grassy-looking. ??? Again, WTF? Oh, well.
Working on some more stuff that I don't have any pics of yet: Hux's Diamond's, a Chain Chomp Hat.
I haven't played D&D in so long either. Makes me sad. I want a new group of people to game with. People somewhere around our age. Decent people around our age. I've got kids, ya know?
And now the smallest rugrat has awakened. No more typing for Mommy!
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