Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Dear Blogger,

Do you feel neglected? Oops. I guess we can call me FAIL for my 101 in 1001. But I'll end up trying again. But I did actually complete some of the goals.

4. Complete at least one knitting project a month. (4?/33)
This I've done. Yay for me! Not that I've posted any of them.

7. Call Christi once a week.
Sometimes it's once a day! Shit, sometimes it's even more than that!

27. Motivate someone to do their own 101 things in 1001 days.
This is half-done. My sister says she wants to do it and (?) started a list but I don't know how far she went with it. I'll have to ask her about it again. We were supposed to be "101 Buddies" and support each other's quest for life change.

39. Get new glasses.
Just waiting for them to arrive at the eye doc's. Very anxiously, I might add. I think they're really cute and my current ones are about to break!

46. Go 48 hours without the internet.
It wasn't really intentional, I just kinda realized one afternoon that I hadn't checked into my Ravelry in a loooong time. So does that count?

55. Make first pair of socks.
Done. I made them for Lula and she loves them. The first one went pretty slowly as I was learning the ins and outs. Every time she saw it she asked if it was done. Then when I finished it and started its buddy, she said, "Oh, I get two?!" It was freakin' adorable. I actually like making socks, too! It was fun and way less difficult than it can be made out to be.

And now that I'm trying to blog again, Cakers and Bam woke up J-Bug. Go fucking figure.

Love, me.

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