Saturday, August 30, 2008


So I'm doing pretty miserably on my Day Zero project. I'm not blogging, I'm slacking on walking with Bam (which won't matter next week since I'm subbing for him while he's on the tennis team, but still...), I wanted to reorganize my list to the frequency of the goals (daily, weekly, etc.). It just seems like there's not enough time in my day. Maybe I'll make individual lists of the daily, weekly, etc. goals and just have to post them by the door or something. To counteract that whole out of sight, out of mind thing. I do well with visual reminders.

Gotten a couple small knitting projects done in the past few weeks. Tried out Tribbles and made three within a few days. Great for scraps! Finished a hat for Lula, she spent the night at Gramma's and forgot it there, then spent the next few days crying about her hat! She's adorable. I'm trying to make a neckwarmer for a birthday gift. It's getting me all kinds of crazy. I've frogged it three times. I really think the intended recipient will like it so I don't want to give up on making it, and it's just a freakin' rectangle, for @%*^'s sake! I've had issues with ugly pooling, width, and needle size. I've decided to give it one last go and if I fail again, it will be understood that this project and I are not destined to be together. Then I will set fire to the yarn and cackle with glee.

J-Bug is growing like mad! He's in 6-9mo clothes already, and some of those are getting close to being too small. I can't believe it how big he is. He must weigh almost 20lbs by now. But he's looking healthy and he's chubby but not fat, so I'm not concerned.

Cakers is so disappointed that she does not get to go to school yet. I feel so terrible telling her that she's not old enough. She gets this sad look on her face and it just makes my heart ache. I'm going to look into Head Start. She's really smart so I bet she won't qualify for it, but at least I can try, right?

Lula is getting really excited about school starting again. It's so overwhelming for her that she cries every time we talk about it, the poor kid. I hope she makes more progress this year. It's going to get a lot more noticeable to her classmates that she is so far behind. I know some of them were already teasing her last year but I also know that kids get meaner as they get older. I don't know what I can do about it, either. I don't know if there even is anything that can be done. I hate the thought of my little girl being teased. She's so sweet and pure. She doesn't deserve what I know is coming.

Bam, well, is nearly a teenager. And he fits the bill. He's mouthy, he's rude, he's lazy. He doesn't want to do anything he's told. Yeah, he's becoming a teenager. He's not as bad with me so much. He can get really shitty with George on occasion. All he wants to do it play video games, pretty much. As for school starting again, he's basically indifferent. It's like, well, I know it was coming, so whatever. On a happier note, he doesn't have to have surgery on his leg. The doctor said that the plate can stay in forever unless he has to have a hip replacement. Which wouldn't happen until he's (in the words of the doc!) "old and grey". (I thought that was pretty funny, coming from a doctor who's probably around 65 and quite grey himself! LOL) I was more relieved than I thought I would be. I had prepared myself for my baby (haha) boy to go into the hospital to have his leg cut back open. I knew since last summer that he'd have to get that plate out. But when Dr. E called and said that he'd recently learned at a conference that plates (at least that type of plate) won't inhibit growth in kids, so we didn't need to take it out, I was giddy. I probably sounded like a complete loon to the doc. Oh well, I'm still happy that it can stay in!

So that's me for now.

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